This is…

I was going through photos I took earlier this year.

This is a picture coffee. This coffee bush is outside a friends house. I love it when coffee is in season I find the bushes to be beautiful!

This is a picture I stopped to take as I drove down my road. I looked like a tourist for a few minutes. The day was so beautiful and the land so gorgeous it could not be ignored. I could not help myself from stopping to take a picture.

These are beets from my garden. I have taken a million pictures like this. It never gets old to me.

This is my niece. I took this picture around December of 2011 while I was on a long walk with my family. I love this picture! My niece was having such a great time running ahead of us and testing her boundaries. She would stop every once in awhile and say “Did I run away to far?” we would say almost in unison “yes, please come back…keep your eyes out for cars!”

This is my niece looking for cars. Adorable!

This is a sign I saw attached to a fence while talking a walk with my dear friend Alana. I just love it!

This is my friend’s daughter giving my dog Coco a make over. It involved nail painting, a tutu, and a feather head band. Coco was confused once it was all over.

This is coco hiding in the car for a short bit to recover from all the attention. Don’t worry she got her nails trimmed shortly after this picture was taken.

And this …this is one of favorite sunsets.

I just thought I would share!


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